Demi Lovato shows us the true meaning of beauty rest.
Photo: @ddlovato's Twitter
Earlier this week, we saw Demi Lovato reveal that the manicure she rocked at the 2013 MuchMusic Video Awards found its way onto her tips while she was getting some much-needed pre-show shut-eye. D slept face-down on a couch while her favorite nail artist, Stephanie Stone, hooked her up with some killer tips. (They were black with gold beads used as studs if you were wondering.) When we first saw this snap, we were all, "ZOMG, this brings new meaning to the term 'beauty rest,'" and "Mannnnn, I really wish my sister/roommate/boyfriend would do that for me..." etc.etc., but THEN, she uploaded a video of it.
I mean, OK, we're definitely still thinking all those things, but now, we've added coos and choruses of "AWW"s because GUYS, sleepy Demi is the cutest. Watch her give one-word answers as someone on her team takes a priceless footage of her beauty "multitasking" in the video below!
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